Monday, September 27, 2010

Sometimes I Do Listen - Amazing!

There is nothing wrong with my hearing, other than there are periods where I like to revert back to childhood/ adolescence and use my ability of selective hearing.  For example, when any of my three daughters is arguing with another one; or when any of the three girls decides to whine about something that is unfair in life (get over it, life will never be fair - especially when you are a teen!); or when friends are bad mouthing other friends that are not present - these are situations where I generally opt to tune out the whole conversation, because to listen just drags me into something I prefer not to be involved in - conflict (though I acknowledge not that all conflict is avoidable).  Now, in contrast, there are times when I have extremely acute hearing, like when my daughters and their friends are talking/ gossiping.  It is amazing how far away I can be and hear something about one of the girls liking a boy or that one of their friends did something naughty with a boy... Oh, I am right on top of that conversation from 5 miles away!!  Selective hearing - it comes in handy.

Now comes the part where I have to confess that I also listen to others when it comes to advice.  I have been in situations where I have been told that I need to sit back when others are in conflict with one another and let everything play out - "don't let others drag you into the mess".  I listened and I am thankful that I did, because, by George, (big gulp as I swallow my pride) he was right.  If I had allowed myself to have been fully engulfed by the situation, I would have lost someone special to me.  Yes dear, I listened!

Lord, believe it or not, my ears are not deaf to what you are telling me either.  I hear Your wisdom through Your words as I read them.  Perseverance - I have not had an easy life, but through it all You have been a constant voice of reason, even before I came to know you as an adult.  I had a strong conscience that proved, over and over again, to be You living in me and guiding me (not that I always followed the path You wanted me to, after all I am human).  I have lived and learned through many periods of pain, grief, and struggle, but I have never fallen, because You have always been there as my safety net to protect me.  You, like any other parent, tell me what I should do and it is my choice to listen or turn my head in ignorance.  I am guilty of a lot of head turning and claim all of the ignorance, because it is all mine to claim.  I have walked through the fire and laid in the bed of roses.  The fire brought me more knowledge and wisdom than the bed of roses, because until you have experienced pain, you can not comprehend fully the magnificence of joy.  There is a level of appreciation that comes with the tough times in life, it is hard to see at the time, but reflect back and you will see what you missed back then.  You walk through the pain and struggle and on the other side you find a peace and sense of understanding.  No struggle that you go through is pointless - it is a matter of recognizing and hearing the message that is being sent to you.  There is a lesson to be learned in everything we do.  Be careful that you are not missing it, because you are busy being self absorbed or ignorant.  Keep your heart, mind, eyes and ears open for what might be spoken or shown to you today!